POC Conversational English SAS es una nueva manera de aprender a hablar inglés de forma personalizada basada en una metodología conversacional y aprendizaje vivencial probados exitosamente durante los últimos 5 años.

Maria Fernanda RoseroMaria Fernanda Rosero
13:59 15 May 24
El mejor sitio para aprender y practicar ingles, la metodología es excelente fuera de lo tradicional y los libros..... Muy recomendado para aprender y practicar ingles con sus clases conversacionales para cualquier edad!!! Gracias Teacher Louis... Gran Trabajo!
Recomendado 100% gracias a su preparación obtuve un buen resultado en mi examen IELTS
Mi experiencia en cada una de las clases ha sido muy gratificante y enriquecedora en el aprendizaje del idioma Inglés, la interacción con cada uno de los profesores es una experiencia muy amena, divertida y dinamica, ya que gracias a su pedagogia utilizan diferentes metodos para impartir su conocimiento y de esa manera el estudiante pueda aprender facilmente el idioma.
Valentina Patiño PazValentina Patiño Paz
22:25 21 Jul 23
Mi experiencia en Poc ha sido del todo gratificante.Más que una academia de inglés es una familia en donde siempre me han recibido con una sonrisa. Mi proceso ha sido muy bueno, didáctico y sobre todo he aprendido mucho de ello. Lo recomiendo absolutamente.
Melissa Mejia MoncayoMelissa Mejia Moncayo
23:58 20 Apr 23
He aprendido mucho en la academia, los profesores enseñan muy bien y son divertidos
Paula PortillaPaula Portilla
23:57 20 Apr 23
Mi Ingles ha mejorado demasiado desde que entre a estudiar aqui, es una excelente academia😍😍😍
niryeth pabonniryeth pabon
23:57 20 Apr 23
Un lugar espectacular para aprender Ingles de una manera diferente! Hay personal muy bien capacitado y aparte de todo lo bonito que te ofrecen te llevas una experiencia increíble. 100% recomendado ❤️❤️❤️
natalia gomeznatalia gomez
00:25 15 Mar 23
Las clases son muy buenas, son didácticas. He aprendido mucho gracias a esto ya tengo mucha fluidez al hablar, siempre son pendientes en lo que necesites y te resuelven todas la dudas, también, salimos a varios lugares esto me ayudo mucho a perder la timidez al hablar
Ha-Yoon LeeHa-Yoon Lee
00:06 15 Mar 23
Estoy en la academia desde hace 6 meses y siento que mi inglés a mejorado mucho, sus clases son interactivas y los el ambiente es muy amigable. SUPER RECOMENDABLE ✨
Emilce RoseroEmilce Rosero
21:47 24 Jul 22
Mi hijo ingresó a POC, lleva 3 meses en el curso intensivo y ha adquirido gran vocabulario, formas gramaticales y muchos otros aspectos, según me comenta, el método es muy ameno y divertido lo que hace más fácil el aprendizaje, el cumplimiento en las clases y las horas contratadas y la gran calidad humana de los profesores son otros puntos importantes a resaltar.
eli Burbanoeli Burbano
00:06 23 Jul 22
Si estás buscando aprender inglés y no sabes donde, este lugar es para ti. Desde mi experiencia me ha gustado mucho tomar mis clases en POC, contando que puedo tomarlas virtual o presencial, a demás de notar el amor y cariño con el que los y las profesoras se dedican a enseñar.
Carolina AvilaCarolina Avila
00:10 06 Jul 22
POC es una excelente opción para aprender Inglés. En mi experiencia tomando clases de forma remota desde Bogotá me ha encantado y se ha adaptado muy bien a mis horarios. Gracias equipo POC por la buena actitud siempre.
Wilmer MoraWilmer Mora
02:03 01 Jul 22
Excelente lugar para aprender inglés de forma dinámica, enfocado al perfil profesional que se desea
17:59 30 Jun 22
POC es excelente! Aprendes Inglés de forma didáctica, dinámica, creativa y empática. Cuentas con horarios flexibles. Totalmente recomendado.
Samuel TobarSamuel Tobar
17:20 07 Apr 22
Me encanta la metodología de Poc es una manera diferente divertida y práctica de aprender inglés. Muy recomendada
Mariela Lasso DelgadoMariela Lasso Delgado
17:19 07 Apr 22
Me parece excelente la metodología que utilizan para enseñar inglés, es muy práctico y se aprende con prácticas en la vida real, totalmente recomendado.
Ivan JuradoIvan Jurado
19:14 12 Oct 19
En estos dos meses y medio mi experiencia en POC ha sido excelente porque las clases son muy divertidas con diferentes juegos donde es más fácil aprender al igual que con las clases vivenciales tuve la oportunidad de conocer a muchas más personas y estar en contacto con ellas ha sido una gran experiencia. Recomiendo totalmente a POC a todas las personas que quieran aprender inglés en Pasto y formar parte de esta familia.
Caren PantojaCaren Pantoja
00:22 04 May 24
My experience at POC has been nice because they teach us many things in different ways, and they make the classes fun, there is a very pleasant atmosphere since the attention they provide is excellent.
Juan José Erazo BaccaJuan José Erazo Bacca
15:58 20 Jan 24
Thanks to POC I was able to improve my English and the teachers are very good. I totally recommend it.
Debs MuttonDebs Mutton
19:16 29 Nov 23
We had just over 3 weeks in Pasto but in that time Louis and the Poc family really taught us a lot. We can speak, understand and read so much more Spanish than we did before. We didn't get lessons we got friendship as well. 100% recommended
Tom MuttonTom Mutton
20:15 27 Nov 23
I spent three weeks learning Spanish at POC while taking a break in Pasto from cycling around the world. Louis, the other teachers and all the students were very welcoming and it felt like one big family, a home from home. In only three weeks I was very surprised how much progress I made and am very happy to have taken this course. I only wish it had been longer. I would have no hesitation in recommending POC to someone who wanted to learn or improve their Spanish, as well as their English. Thank you POC!
Juan David ChavezJuan David Chavez
00:42 21 Oct 23
Poc is a very nice place to learn, practice and develop your English language skills in a very fun way, it is also an academy where you can socialize and interact with more people looking to learn English, I have currently been studying here for eight months and it has been a great experience!
Valentina Mazuera QValentina Mazuera Q
22:11 18 Oct 23
I have been taking classes at POC for 5 months, the experience has been rewarding and very enriching, the classes are varied and entertaining.Totally recommended!
nicolas gomez perafannicolas gomez perafan
18:10 18 Oct 23
Thank you Poc, for helping me enhance my speaking, writing and listening skills with your didactic classes. I have been able to advance a lot in my progress in learning English and applying it in my daily life. They are excellent
Nathaly CarreñoNathaly Carreño
17:09 18 Oct 23
My experience at POC has been wonderful, I have learned a lot in these five months, the classes are very interactive, they motivate me to learn more every day.Super recommended!!!
20:07 10 Oct 23
My experience at POC has been wonderful, their classes are very dynamic and above all fun. I have been at POC for a year now and my process has been great, thanks to the academy for all their effort and dedication in each class. I highly recommend this academy 😊
Erika BurbanoErika Burbano
20:09 14 Sep 23
Studying at Poc has been an incredible experience since I started from a basic level and to this day I have advanced and learned in a different and interactive way
Recommended 100% thanks to your preparation I got a good result in my IELTS exam
My experience in each of the classes has been very rewarding and enriching in learning the English language. The interaction with each of the teachers is a very pleasant, fun and dynamic experience, since thanks to their pedagogy they use different methods to teach. their knowledge and in this way the student can easily learn the language.
Valentina Patiño PazValentina Patiño Paz
22:25 21 Jul 23
My experience at Poc has been completely rewarding.More than an English academy, it is a family where they have always welcomed me with a smile. My process has been very good, didactic and above all I have learned a lot from it. I absolutely recommend it.
Melissa Mejia MoncayoMelissa Mejia Moncayo
23:58 20 Apr 23
I have learned a lot at the academy, the teachers teach very well and are fun
Paula PortillaPaula Portilla
23:57 20 Apr 23
My English has improved a lot since I started studying here, it's an excellent academy😍😍😍
niryeth pabonniryeth pabon
23:57 20 Apr 23
A spectacular place to learn English in a different way! There are very well-trained staff and apart from all the beauty that they offer you, you get an incredible experience. 100% recommended ❤️❤️❤️
natalia gomeznatalia gomez
00:25 15 Mar 23
The classes are very good, they are didactic. I have learned a lot thanks to this and I am very fluent when speaking, they are always attentive to what you need and they answer all your questions, we also go out to various places, this helped me a lot to lose my shyness when speaking
Lina GomezLina Gomez
00:19 15 Mar 23
The poc English course is very nice, very interactive and its learning is very effective
00:06 15 Mar 23
I have been in the academy for 6 months and I feel that my English has improved a lot, their classes are interactive and the environment is very friendly. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ✨
Dayana Ríos GómezDayana Ríos Gómez
22:36 07 Feb 23
If you are looking for an English academy, POC is the best option. My experience has been magnificent. I have greatly improved my fluency in speaking English. I highly recommend it ❤️
eli Burbanoeli Burbano
00:06 23 Jul 22
If you are looking to learn English and you don't know where, this place is for you. From my experience I have really liked taking my classes at POC, telling that I can take them virtual or face-to-face, in addition to noticing the love and affection with which the teachers dedicate themselves to teaching.
My experience at POC is great, their methodology is very educational and interactive and they have both digital and physical tools so you can learn English in the best way, 100% recommended. 👌🏻👌🏻
Carolina AvilaCarolina Avila
00:10 06 Jul 22
POC is an excellent option to learn English. In my experience taking classes remotely from Bogotá I have loved it and it has adapted very well to my schedule. Thank you POC team for the good attitude always.
Wilmer MoraWilmer Mora
02:03 01 Jul 22
Excellent place to learn English in a dynamic way, focused on the desired professional profile
17:59 30 Jun 22
POC is excellent! You learn English in a didactic, dynamic, creative and empathic way. You have flexible hours. Totally recommended.
My experience at POC has been the best with the short time I have been since the group classes are great as well as the individual ones. I want to continue at POC with the same enthusiasm and performance to expand my horizons with English.
Samuel TobarSamuel Tobar
17:20 07 Apr 22
I love Poc's methodology, it's a different, fun and practical way of learning English. highly recommended
miguel panesso estradamiguel panesso estrada
18:58 29 Nov 21
My experience has been very good, in the time that I have been in POC it has served me a lot, I feel an excellent progress with my English.
Ivan JuradoIvan Jurado
19:14 12 Oct 19
In these two and a half months, my experience at POC has been excellent because the classes are very fun with different games where it is easier to learn. As with the experiential classes, I had the opportunity to meet many more people and be in contact with them. been a great experience. I totally recommend POC to everyone who wants to learn English in Pasto and be part of this family.
