Advice: Use these expressions and phrases that you can put into practice at POC Conversational English.

POC Common Ways to Say “Hello”:

  • “Hi”

This is a very common shortened version of “hello.”

  • “Hey”

Another sort and casual way of saying “hello”, which is pronounced the same way as “hay,” which is horse food, but is obviously spelled differently.

  • “Howdy”

This is considered a very western or country greeting.  You might hear a cowboy use it, but it is an appropriate informal “hello” for everyone to use.

  • “Hiya”

This is a particularly informal greeting.  It is often used by someone in an excited mood and who know each other well.

Meeting People:

  • Hi.
  • Good morning. (up until about 12:00pm)
  • Good afternoon. (from 13:00 till about 5:00pm)
  • Good evening (from 5:00pm until about 8:00pm)
  • Good night (we use “good night” or “night” as a way of saying “goodbye” to someone at night.

POC Introducing yourself:

Pleased to meet you


  • A: I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Louis.
  • B: Pleased to meet you, Louis. / Nice to meet you, Louis.


  • A: Hi, my name’s Louis. (informal)
  • B: Hi, Louis.

POC Introducing someone:

  • This is Natalia.
  • I’d like to introduce you to Mario.
  • Have you met Sandra before?
  • You know Ricardo, don’t you?
  • You don’t know Yurany, do you?
  • Have you met my colleague, Angie?
  • I’d like you to meet my colleague, Mario.
  • This is Sandra. She works at POC Conversational English.
  • Gabriel, this is Viviana.

Typical Greetings:

How do you do

POC Formal Greetings
  1. How do you do? (very formal and best used when you don’t know the person at all or are meeting them in an official situation)
  2. How are you?

POC Informal Greetings

  1. How’s it going?
  2. How you doing? / How ya doin’?
  3. How’ve you been? / How you been?
  4. What’s up? / What up? / Sup?
  5. What have you been up to? / What’ve you been up to?
  6. How’s everything going?
  7. Hiya doing?
  8. How are you doing today/tonight / this morning / this afternoon / this evening?
  9. How are you guys doing?
  10. How’s your day going?
  11. How’s life?

    Typical Response:

    POC Formal responses
    1. Fine, thanks / Good. You?
    2. Fine, thanks / Good. And you?
    POC Informal responses
    1. Everything all right / I’m doing well / It’s going well / good / very well / not very well
    2. I’m doin’ good / I’m doin’ okay / fantastic / I’m good / I’m great / I’m well / good
    3. I’ve been good / I’ve been great
    4. Not much / nothing much / nothing
    5. I’ve been studying English at POC / I’ve been working really hard / Just keeping busy. How about you?
    6. Everything is going well / so far so good / Great. How about you? / Alright. How are you?
    7. I’m hanging in there.
    8. Good / I’m doing ok / I am ok, thanks for asking.
    9. Great. How about you?
    10. Goin’ well.
    11. Pretty good, thanks! Yourself?


    Bye bye

    Formal                                                    Informal
    • Goodbye / Farewell                         Bye! / So long!
    • See you later                                    Catch up with you later
    • See you tomorrow                           Until tomorrow
    • Have a nice day!                               Have a good one!
    • It was a pleasure meeting you
    • See you!
    • Good night! Sweet dreams!


Advice: Use these numbers as much as you can at POC Conversational English.

POC Cardinals

Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal numbers are counting numbers. The numbers that we use for counting are called cardinal numbers.

1. Cardinal numbers tell us “How many?

For example:

Q: How many teachers are there at POC?

A: There are three teachers.

2. We can use the cardinals with “How much?

For example:

Q: How much is it?

A: 500 

3. We can use the cardinals with “How old?

For example:

Q: How old are you?

A: I’m 26 years old.

POC Ordinals

Cardinal Numbers

Ordinal numbers are used to rank or order things (e.g., first, second, third). This could include placement in a race or competition, or it could simply be the day of the month (e.g., December 1st).

For example:

Q: When is your birthday?

A: My birthday is on March 9th.

Example #2:

Q: When is Valentine’s day?

A: Valentine’s day is on February 14th.

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. What’s your last name?
    a. Juan
    b. Fernando
    c. Suarez
    d. Sofía
  2. Where do you usually eat lunch?
    a. Sandwich.
    b. With Jane.
    c. At 12:00.
    d. At home.
  3. How often do you do exercise?
    a. With my mom.
    b. In my room.
    c. English.
    d. Twice a week.
  4. What kind of movies do you like?
    a. Yes, I do.
    b. I like comedy movies.
  5. What kind of work do you do?
    a. I work every day.
    b. I’m a soccer player.
    c. I worked for two hours.
  6. How many hours a day do you watch series on Netflix?
    a. About two hours.
    b. In my living room.
    c. I watch the news.
    d. On Tuesday.
  7. What is your busiest day of the week?
    a. In the morning.
    b. Every day.
    c. Tuesday.
    d. Last week.
  8. Louis is a good English coach.
    a. I agree with you.
    b. I agree you.
    c. I agree to you.
    d. I agree for you.
  9. What does “POC” mean?
    a. For one hour.
    b. Yes
    c. Piece of Cake.
    d. For one hour.
    e. On Friday.
  10. How do you spell “Tobar”?
    a. No
    b. T-O-B-A-R
    c. No
    d. I don’t
    e. Cat.
    f. I have one dog.
  11. What did you do yesterday?
    a. I am swimming.
    b. I swim.
    c. I will swim.
    d. I swam.
  12. What do you like to eat?
    a. Fruits.
    b. Saturday evening.
    c. Two.
    d. With my friends.
  13. What did you eat last night?
    a. At six.
    b. Spaghetti.
    c. With my family.
    d. At home.
  14. What are you doing?
    a. I’m learning English at POC.
    b. I learned English at POC.
    c. I will be learning English at POC.
    d. I have learned English at POC.
  15. What will you do after your English lesson?
    a. I play basketball.
    b. I played basketball.
    c. I’ll play basketball.
    d. I was playing basketball.
  16. It seems to me that most restaurants are too expensive.
    a. I don’t think it.
    b. I don’t think.
    c. I don’t think so.
  17. Where’s Sandra?
    a. At POC academy.
    b. At eight.
    c. For three hours.
    d. No, he isn’t.
  18. Where do you do your homework?
    a. With my best friend.
    b. In the evening.
    c. About one hour.
    d. Every day.
    e. At home.
  19. When did you go to that restaurant?
    a. Spaghetti.
    b. With Jane.
    c. Last night.
    d. About 30 minutes.
  20. When was the last time you took a selfie?
    a. A picture of Jane.
    b. Seven pictures.
    c. About four days ago.
    d. With my smartphone.
  21. What were you doing last night at 7:00?
    a. I sleep.
    b. I slept.
    c. I will be sleeping.
    d. I was sleeping.
  22. When will you send your homework?
    a. Last night.
    b. To Jane.
    c. After school.
  23. What are you going to do after dinner?
    a. I took a bath
    b. I’ll take a bath.
    c. I take a bath.
  24. How long have you been playing soccer?
    a. About 50 cm.
    b. For four years.
    c. In my room.
    d. By myself.
  25. How many hours a day do you sleep?
    a. I have slept 7 hours.
    b. I am sleeping 7 hours.
    c. I slept 7 hours.
    d. I sleep 7 hours.
  26. How often do you go to the gym?
    a. Two pages.
    b. Two times a week.
    c. Two people.
    d. Two hours.
  27. Where can I study English?
    a. When you are twenty years old.
    b. About two bottles.
    c. With Jane.
    d. At POC Academy.
  28. What’s your favorite sport?
    a. Swim.
    b. Swimming.
  29. When was the last time you went shopping in Pasto?
    a. Yesterday.
    b. Tomorrow.
    c. Near the Station.
  30. How often do you take English lessons at POC?
    a. Three times a week.
    b. In the evening?
    c. For about 30 minutes.
  31. How many times have you gone to the Libertad stadium?
    a. Three people.
    b. Three days.
    c. Three times.
  32. When’s your birthday?
    a. November two.
    b. November twice.
    c. November second.
  33. Where are you from?
    a. Pasto.
    b. 1982.
    c. At school.
  34. How do you get to POC?
    a. On foot.
    b. In foot.
    c. By foot.
Created by POC Conversational English




1 / 10




1. Louis (speak) _________ English very well.

2 / 10




2. Where do you usually eat lunch?

3 / 10




3. How often do you do exercise?

4 / 10




4. What kind of movies do you like?

5 / 10




5. What kind of work do you do?

6 / 10




6. How many hours a day do you watch series on Netflix?

7 / 10




7. What is your busiest day of the week?

8 / 10




8. Louis is a good English coach.

9 / 10




9. What does “POC” mean?

10 / 10




10. How do you spell “Tobar”?

Your score is

The average score is 48%


Created by POC Conversational English




1 / 16




1. Louis (speak) _________ English very well.

2 / 16




2. Carlos (have) _________ two cars.

3 / 16




3. Fernando (fix) _________ his car.

4 / 16




4. Laura (live) _________ in Pasto.

5 / 16




5. Where ______ he work?

6 / 16




6. How often  ______ you travel abroad?

7 / 16




7. I (not/like)  ___________ watching romantic movies.

8 / 16




8. He (not/like)  ___________ working out.

9 / 16




9. María José (take) _________ a shower at 7 o’ clock.

10 / 16




10. Juan Manuel (have) _________ breakfast at half past seven.

11 / 16




11. (He / go to school every day)

12 / 16




12. Maria Fernanda (study) ________ English every night.

13 / 16




13. The moon (go) ________ round the earth. 

14 / 16




14. Sara (take) ________ English at POC twice a week.

15 / 16




15. Sandra (teach) ________ French from Mondays to Fridays.

16 / 16

Your score is

The average score is 50%


Created by POC Conversational English




1 / 6

1. What’s she doing?

2 / 6

2. What are they doing?

3 / 6

4 / 6

5 / 6

6 / 6

Your score is

The average score is 38%


Created by POC Conversational English




1 / 10

Grammar Practice Present Perfect



Instructions: Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.

1. Sandra ____ ______ me an e-mail. (send)

2 / 10

Grammar Practice Present Perfect



Instructions: Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.

2. ______ you ever ______ arrested? (be)

3 / 10

Grammar Practice Present Perfect



Instructions: Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.

3. ______ you ever ______ a photo of a famous person? (take)

4 / 10

Grammar Practice Present Perfect



Instructions: Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.

4. ______ you ever ______ a competition? (win)

5 / 10

Grammar Practice Present Perfect



Instructions: Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.

5. I ____ ______ in danger a number of times. (be)

6 / 10

Grammar Practice Present Perfect



Instructions: Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.

6. ______ you ______ this? (see)

7 / 10

Grammar Practice Present Perfect



Instructions: Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.

7. Samuel and Sebastián ____ ______ the museum. (visit)

8 / 10

Grammar Practice Present Perfect



Instructions: Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.

8. Ernesto ____ ______ an accident. (have)

9 / 10

Grammar Practice Present Perfect



Instructions: Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.

9. Paulo Coelho ____ ______ many books. (write)

10 / 10

Grammar Practice Present Perfect



Instructions: Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.

10. I ____ ______ the world. (travel)

Your score is

The average score is 56%


Created by POC Conversational English






1 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

1. How much do these mangoes __________?

2 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

2. For dinner we had __________ and rice.

3 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

3. This math problem is too __________ for me.

4 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

4. When I went through customs, nobody __________ my passport.

5 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

5. It’s cold outside today you should take a __________ with you.

6 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

6. Mark __________ a lot of great photos on his holiday.

7 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

7. Could you __________ the situation to me again?

8 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

8. My grandfather __________ me to swim.

9 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

9. We had a very good football __________ last night.

10 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

10. They were all __________ so they went to a restaurant.

11 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

11. The shortest month of the year is __________ .

12 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

12. Come to my desk and __________ me your book, please.

13 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

13. My video recorder isn’t __________ could you repair it for me?

14 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

14. My sister earns 200 __________ a week.

15 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

15. Can I help you __________ your homework?

16 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

16. I’d like to make __________ with the dentist, please.

17 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

17. Did you enjoy the __________ From London to Tokyo?

18 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

18. My favorite subject at school was __________ because I love learning about numbers.

19 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

19. Could you __________ in this form for me, please?

20 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

20. Are you ready to __________ your meal now, sir?

21 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

21. Can you __________ Spanish?

22 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

22. Carlos is Colombian and his wife is __________ .

23 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

23. We must __________ the football match on TV this evening.

24 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

24. I bought some milk at the little shop on the __________.

25 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

25. I’m going to go to bed now. __________ ! See you in the morning.

26 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

26. Rome is the __________ city of Italy.

27 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

27. They live on the top floor of a big block of __________.

28 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

29. I’d like to work __________ and learn about a different country.

29 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

28. Bill loves repairing cars and he wants to train to be a __________.

30 / 30

KET Vocabulary Practice

30. Don’t __________ to post my letters for me.

Your score is

The average score is 65%
